Transcriber As Work, Turning Voice Into Writing

 Transcriber As Work, Turning Voice Into Writing

Do you love watching movies and want to get paid for it? Maybe a transcriber or transcriptionist is the right job for you.

What about the responsibilities? What do you need to master?

You can find the answer in this article. Read more!

What is a Transcriber?

We begin the discussion with definitions. Career Trend says: transcriber is a job with the task of converting speech into writing.

Sometimes also called a transcriptionist or transcriptionist.

The legal and medical world really needs this job. But they can also work as subtitle providers for movies.

Responsibilities of Transcribers

1. Interpreting sound

As already mentioned, the transcriber is in charge of converting voice recordings into writing.

In addition to pre-recorded voices, they can also work by listening live.

2. Ensuring the quality of the transcripts

Currently, there are already a lot of tools or tools to help write transcripts. This tool can convert audio to text quickly.

Of course, this technique is not without drawbacks. Often the results are not perfect.

Therefore, there must be a party that confirms the results of the transcription. Who is in charge of this work? Transcriber is the answer.

3. Check for inconsistencies

Sometimes recordings feel inconsistent. In addition, the information there may be missing or lacking.

Well, the transcriptionist is the one in charge of checking this.

4. Maintain the confidentiality of the transcript

Medical and legal information is sensitive information. Well, a transcriber is someone who has free access to that information.

Therefore, this job also requires honesty and integrity. Keeping secrets is one of his duties.

Also, the unreleased movies cannot be leaked anywhere. They also had to keep their mouths shut to prevent information from spreading.

Skills a Transcriber Must Have

1. Listening

Where can the transcriber write if not from the sound? That's why, they must have the ability to listen.

Of course, listening doesn't just mean keeping your ears open. You must have the ability to listen actively, aka active listening.

Don't forget that every accent is different. Of course, this requires an understanding of the different ethnic groups and their style of speech.

2. Fast typing

You already know that talking is faster than writing. Because of this, fast typing is an important skill for transcribers.

You can start by learning to type with 10 fingers. It is said that this technique is very effective in increasing writing speed.

3. Research

In working, the transcriber has to deal with foreign terms. Of course, those words and phrases are not necessarily easy to understand.

Therefore, they must master the ability and willingness to do research.

4. Language

A transcriber must also be fluent in several languages. The type of language itself depends on the job requirements.

If you're confused, try to master the two languages closest to your lifestyle first. For example French and English.

5. Multitasking

This job requires the ability to write while listening. So, if transcribing is your goal, you need to master this multitasking skill.

You can practice writing your own dialogue while watching a movie. Over time, you will definitely master this skill.



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