Copywriting : Definition, Types, and Usage Examples

Copywriting :

Definition, Types, and Usage Examples

Of course, you came to this page because you want to know what copywriting is and other information related to this type of writing. Isn't that right?

In digital marketing, we often hear about copywriting. The role of copywriting is very important. Copywriting is at the forefront of digital marketing. What is copywriting?

Maybe you often find that the articles or fonts in advertisements selling goods or services are not arbitrary.

Offer letters are specially written by those who work in marketing. They work to do copywriting, or the writer is often referred to as a copywriter.

The role of a copywriter is as a liaison between sellers or advertisers and buyers or consumers through writing, audio, images, video, or other types of content.

The definition of copywriting is

According to the American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI): Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as making a purchase, clicking on a link, donating, inviting, to influence people to contact sales.

Copywriting materials can be in the form of written advertisements published in print or online media. They can also contain spoken material, such as scripts used in videos or advertisements.

You may not realize it, but copywriting is actually everywhere.

You can first check your inbox for clear copywriting examples.

Promotions for local restaurants, catalogs, donation letters to charities, or sales letters for various products and services are all forms of copywriting.

Types of Copywriting

You have read that copywriting is the creation of promotional materials that invite potential customers or audiences to take action.

So what material is usually produced by copywriting? The answer depends on the purpose of the letter. In general, the materials produced in the replica-assembly process serve different purposes.

In other words, each type of copywriting has its own marketing goals that the writer wants to achieve. So what types are there? Here's the explanation:

1. Marketing Copywriting

The purpose of this type of copywriting is to carry out marketing or promotional activities. You will find many forms of copy marketing such as banners, flyers, billboards, TV spots, and other advertisements. The purpose of this ad text is to provide sales information to potential customers such as product advantages, benefits, or functionality to encourage them to use the product.

2. Direct Response Copy

Typically, this type of copy is included in a click button or CTA containing a call to action. Whether it's an invitation to register, view a product, add a product to cart, subscribe to a newsletter, etc. The goal of copywriting this time is to get direct feedback from consumers and the target audience. Once an interested audience clicks, they are redirected to different pages depending on the purpose of the copy.

3. Brand Copywriting

The purpose of this type of copy is to present the brand to the general public. The aim is none other than for many people to recognize and remember the brand identity. An example of using brand copywriting can be in the form of creating a unique and iconic slogan or tagline.

4. Social Media Copies

This type of copywriting for social media tends to get a lot of interesting engagement content and increase the number of organic followers. An example of using social media copywriting is to make content and captions as attractive as possible and closely related to the needs of the audience.

5. Technical Copywriting

The purpose of this copywriting is to provide guidance and knowledge and help readers understand how to use the product. You can find this type of copywriting in technical guidebooks, manuals, product user guides, etc.

6. Email Copies

This type of copywriting is useful for implementing email marketing. By writing compelling copy, the emails you send naturally entice recipients to open them,a read them, and take certain actions based on the email marketing content.

7. SEO Copywriting

It can be said to be quite complicated for this type of copy. This is because writers need to target certain keywords without sacrificing the quality of the writing to keep it interesting for readers. The purpose of this copywriting is to get the best ranking on search engine search pages.

Digital Ad Copywriting Example

Each writer or advertiser may have different copywriting techniques. But what is certain is that good copy can motivate and entice potential customers to take action.

Of course, the more effective the advertising copy, the greater the company's development opportunities. Therefore, copy creation is essential for any marketing project.

So how do you come up with interesting words? Here's an example of writing copy for a digital ad.

1. Put Lure Sentences or Questions

To create interesting text, you can start by creating a headline that will arouse the curiosity of every reader. Meanwhile, an example of a question and bait you can use in your headline is, "Who else wants...?"

This type of question can make the reader feel challenged and interested in learning more about the product brand. As long as it can arouse curiosity, replicas can take the consumer shopping experience to the next level.

Here are some examples of copywriting that you can apply depending on your business area:

  • Who else wants to get a special bonus for the New Year?
  • Who else wants to look beautiful on Christmas?
  • Who else wants to have a healthy and ideal body like figure A?

2. Enter the magic word

One of the reasons for effective copywriting is that there are "magic words" that can entice potential customers. Some examples of these magic words are:

  • Secret
  • Effective
  • Magic
  • Any dramatic words but still related to the original state.

With these magic words you can emphasize the benefits of the product and impress your potential customers by composing your text. Here is an example of entering text with magic words:

  • The beauty secret of clean, radiant skin for Japanese women
  • Effective in relieving pain after 10 minutes of use
  • The magic to shiny black hair without going to the beauty shop

3. Use of the word “without”

Attractive copy is a copy that can convey product solutions or benefits well. One way is to use the word "without" to trigger a different audience for the ad or product you offer.

The word "without" also helps to convey the impression of offering additional solutions, deflecting objections and answering the buyer's doubts or questions. Below is an example of "without" copywriting that you can copy for future ad creation.

  • An effective way to reduce scars without worry
  • Effectively reduce fever in children without bitter taste
  • Can eat well without worrying about emptying the wallet

Copywriting is a technique used to persuade writers/advertisers to take action. To create copy that engages, captivates, and prompts your audience to take action, you need to understand what your target audience wants and put yourself in the customer's shoes.

Transcriber As Work, Turning Voice Into Writing
